How to Deal with Aggression in Your Child?

An old saying states that children should be seen but not heard. This saying although inappropriate for today’s kids seems like wishful thinking.

Children are becoming noisier by the day and while some noise like playing and laughing looks attractive, others like cursing, abusing, yelling, and creating tantrums are a real pain to the ears.

It’s a fact that children are getting more and more aggressive by the day. They have little patience and get irritated quickly.

They talk back with parents and elders and show little respect towards authority. They like to indulge in rowdy games and playfully hit one another.

The case is worse with teenagers. They think that puberty gives them the right to show mood swings and ill manners and to defy the established norms of society.

Any peek into group WhatsApp messages or Facebook messages shows the extent of foul language that these young people use against one another.

As a parent, we must nurture thoughtful and caring children who would grow up to be responsible citizens of the nation.

How to Deal with Aggression in Your Child?

Here are some methods by which you can deal with aggression in your child.

Replace Aggressive Video Games with Calmer Games

One big reason for aggression in children could be attributed to violent video games. Indeed, physical games are always better than digital games.

However, if your child is adamant about playing digital games then try to introduce new and exciting games which are mentally stimulating and devoid of any aggression.

As a parent, you would be surprised at the extent of aggression and vulgarity contained in some video games such as Grand Theft Auto, Counter-Strike, Maxx Pain, and Wrestling Revolution. So, you can replace such games with other games like Hay Day, Four Pics One Word, and Minecraft.

Practice Meditation and Yoga with Your Child

Meditation and yoga are great ways to make your child mentally strong and practice patience. There are various ways to meditate such as chanting “Om” for a few minutes, concentrating on the flame of a candle in a dark room (preferably early in the morning), or simply closing your eyes and concentrating on the point in between your eyebrows.

Respond at the Earliest

Do not wait for your child to increase his abusive behavior before taking any action. Take a step towards correction at the earliest and show the right conduct.

Be firm but respectful of the child. Please, remember that if you give in to the bad behavior, then the child would think it acceptable and use it to have his way all the time.

Don’t Hit Back

Parents may feel tempted to hit back at the unruly child, but this behavior would only prompt the child to adopt aggression in their life, as they would feel that they could attain anything by being aggressive. Hence, keep a hold on your patience and tackle the problem calmly and sensitively.

Set an Example

Children are the image of their parents. Hence, if you have a habit of getting irritated about small things and abusing the drivers on the road if they make a wrong turn, then chances are that your kids would imitate the same behavior and rudely respond to unpleasantness.

Hence, before trying to rectify your child, make a self-inspection and see if there is something in your personality that is making your child indulge in aggression. Be a model for your little one and set a good example before him.

Have a Conversation with Your Child

Children are intelligent beings and they respond to reason. Therefore, cultivate a habit of regular conversation with your child and talk about any changes in the behavior.

You can inform your child clearly and firmly that your family values do not allow for bad conduct. The child being an invaluable member of the family is equally responsible for maintaining the peace and tranquility of the house.

Keep Engaged in Fruitful Activity

A child who is happily engaged in fruitful activities would cultivate good habits and would have little time to show tantrums. Hence, think up innovative ways of keeping your child happy and engaged, and give him your time to help him improve his behavior.

Reward Good Conduct

Rewarding good conduct shows your child that you are aware of his efforts and motivates him to continue the practice. The reward could be a hug, a word of praise, or even small treats. So, keep them handy and help your child get over his aggression.

Time to Worry about Your Child’s Aggression

However, if despite all your efforts, your child is continuing to show bad conduct, and you find a gradual worsening of the behavior, then it is time for some timely medical health.

Clinical psychology has some medical terms for behavioral disorders such as Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Conduct Disorder (CO), and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Some studies even suggest that Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may introduce aggressive behavior in children.

These are some proven mental problems that need professional care. A clinical psychologist could help in identifying the specific disorder and provide the much-needed help. For example- for Autism, ABA Therapy is considered to be a very helpful way of using which behaviors of children can be managed.

Mind Grove
Mind Grove
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